Xtramile Solutions engaged by Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care to assist with developing National One Stop Shop and the National Clinical Trials Front Door.
24th October 2022
“The commitment of the consultant specialists provided by Xtramile Solutions and their teams has ensured the delivery of high quality products for the benefits of the health sector. The team has repeatedly demonstrated high quality performance, trustworthiness, attention to detail, discernment in stakeholder engagement and reliable expertise. The Commission highly recommends their services.”
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care scoping was underway to conduct consultations to develop the requirements and specifications of a singular national platform for all health-related human research approvals across the country.
The proposed National One Stop Shop (OSS), a national online portal for all health and medical research seeks to make it easier for patients, researchers, industry representatives and sponsors to find, conduct, participate and invest in high quality and ethical research in Australia. Australia offers a globally competitive environment and the platform will be very useful in reducing administration and supporting every stage of research.
The concept for the National OSS presents a significant opportunity to achieve a national, interconnected, rapid and streamlined approvals platform that will:
• include a cross-jurisdictional ethics and governance approval platform that incorporates key application, notification and approval systems,
• incorporate the Clinical Trials Notification and Clinical Trials Approval schemes administered by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA),
• include an embedded and automated next-generation National Clinical Trials registry, and
• provide sophisticated monitoring and reporting functionality for different users.

To conduct consultations to develop the requirements for a national health and medical research platform and specifications, Xtramile Solutions provided a broad service offering assistance by involving our proficient Business Analysis and System Architect Specialist to lead and attend all consultations sessions as required. We undertook a detailed mapping exercise of all jurisdictional systems (National and International), documented the current state and future state business requirements using Enterprise Architecture Software, and led the development of the Proof of Concept (POC) to support the second phase of consultations.
The POC was an innovative tool to support the consultations and was extremely well received by all states and territories, the Commonwealth, subject matter experts and the sector more broadly. Our experienced UX Designer and Developers team ensured the POC was a quality product that was delivered on time and to a high standard and met the requirements of the sector.
Xtramile Solutions was also engaged by the Commission to assist with the revision of the Framework for Australian Clinical quality registries, specifically to advise on the update of the logical design and security compliance guideline. Clinical quality registries monitor the quality (appropriateness and effectiveness) of health care, within specific clinical domains, by routinely collecting, analysing and reporting health-related information, for a self-improving health system. Our specialist consultants performed to deliver high-quality guidance on time and to the satisfaction of the Commission and key stakeholders.
The proposed timeline with the assumption of rebuild The Australian Stroke Clinical Registry (AuSCR) application and allow the new registry to integrate with one hospital (PAS and eMR):
Planning , 6 weeks
Stakeholder engagement, define the scope, gather requirement.
Design, 8 weeks
Solution design and specification
Development, 24 weeks
Software development and integration configuration development
Testing, 8 weeks
Functional testing and user acceptance testing
Go Live, 2 weeks
Go live and monitoring